Word displays the Select Picture dialog box, which looks like a standard Open dialog box. The Picture tab of the Fill Effects dialog box. Make sure the Picture tab is selected.Word displays the Fill Effects dialog box. Word displays a palette of fill colors and a couple of other options. Beside the Fill tool on the Drawing toolbar is a small down-arrow.Release the mouse button when the shape is correct. Click in your document where you want the shape to appear and drag the mouse until the shape appears as you desire.(There is actually an oval shape in the category it is the first shape in the third row.) Your mouse pointer turns into cross hairs. If you want an oval, pick the shape closest to what you desire.

Word displays a collection of shapes in the category. If you want to create an oval, choose the Basic Shapes category. Word displays a menu of shape categories. Click on the AutoShapes tool on the Drawing toolbar.You can either click on the Drawing tool on the standard toolbar, or you can use the Toolbars option from the View menu. Make sure the Drawing toolbar is displayed.If you don't have access to picture-editing software, you can use AutoShapes within Word to create your oval (or some other shape), and then fill that AutoShape with your picture. This approach will work with any version of Word.

For instance, you could use Adobe PhotoShop or Paint Shop Pro or Microsoft's Photo Editor to change the picture directly, before placing it into Word. Perhaps the most universal solution is to use a picture-editing program to make your edits to the picture. What happens if you want your picture to be oval or some other non-rectangular shape, however? You know that Word allows you to insert pictures in your document.